
WP2 - Requirements and alignment with Shift2Rail IP4
Leading Partner: International Association of Public Transport (UITP)
This work package will foster the alignment of SPRINT with Shift2Rail IP4 projects and related EU Initiatives (e.g., NeTEx, SIRI, Smart Ticketing Alliance, ITxPT, National Access Point and the new EIF) by defining requirements for WP3-WP5 to make the SPRINT outcomes compatible to and complementary with them. Moreover, this work package will also define recommendations to Shift2Rail IP4 and document best practices resulting from solutions as assessed and proposed in the project.
WP3 - Performance and scalability of the Interoperability Framework (IF)
Leading Partner: Politecnico di Milano
Starting from the analysis of the state-of-the-art and best practices in architecting systems processing semantic data and from the assessment of the performance of current Shift2Rail IF components, this work package will design and compare alternative architectural solutions for the IF and select the best architecture as the reference one. Moreover, this work package will define the performance and scalability testing infrastructure and KPIs for the proof-of-concepts validation in WP5.
WP4 - Semantic automation for service integration
Leading Partner: CEFRIEL
Starting from the analysis of the state-of-the-art in semantic automation for service integration and from the assessment of current Shift2Rail TD 4.1 solutions for the creation, integration, usage and management of IF assets, this work package will define a reference solution to support the progressive automation of the generation of ontologies, mappings and annotations simplifying the integration of legacy transportation systems in the IP4 ecosystem. Moreover, this work package will analyse, compare and select tools on the market to be adopted and, in case, extended by WP5 to support the identified reference solution.
WP5 - Proof-of-concepts implementation and validation
Leading Partner: Oltis Group
This work package (WP5) will realize the proof-of-concepts implementation and validation of the reference solutions identified by WP3 and WP4 and the performance and scalability testing infrastructure defined by WP3. 
The work plan is completed by a Project Management work package (WP1) in which activities are aimed to ensure the smooth execution of the work plan according to common quality and timetable guidelines and a Dissemination and Exploitation work package (WP6) to make sure that the results of the project are disseminated appropriately to the relevant channels within and outside the Shift2Rail programme.